Thank you for finally providing the opponent a playing field that is not a war zone.
Thanks for actually losing your first two games to make up for all the garbage your lousy fans provided to opponenets
Thanks for having a horrible year this year
Thanks for trying to clean up filthadelphia, now that you have a new nice stadium
Thanks for having a QB that now looks like he needs coaching
Especially a big thank you for emptying your wallets for a new stadium where the OPPONENT truly has the advantage ......because we all know after attending many games at the VET and watching randall cuningham and jaworski, a montgomery, carmichael
that is was not the FANS that had anything to do with any SUCCESS the eagles had
Oh and the SUPER BOWL.....sorry not in this decade.......
Signed with best regards,
all winners of Super Bowls except for the eagles and once member cardinals
Thanks for actually losing your first two games to make up for all the garbage your lousy fans provided to opponenets
Thanks for having a horrible year this year
Thanks for trying to clean up filthadelphia, now that you have a new nice stadium
Thanks for having a QB that now looks like he needs coaching
Especially a big thank you for emptying your wallets for a new stadium where the OPPONENT truly has the advantage ......because we all know after attending many games at the VET and watching randall cuningham and jaworski, a montgomery, carmichael
that is was not the FANS that had anything to do with any SUCCESS the eagles had
Oh and the SUPER BOWL.....sorry not in this decade.......
Signed with best regards,
all winners of Super Bowls except for the eagles and once member cardinals